Some of you may remember that back in the fall Hudson wore his Alabama outfit for the SEC Championship game. Well, I finally got my turn to see him in some Tennessee orange! My mom had gotten him this little tee awhile back when she went to Chattanooga for a business trip. I could not wait for him to finally get to wear it. I think he looks pretty good in orange, his daddy proabably thinks differently though. One thing we can agree on is that we will ALL be cheering for the Memphis Tigers in the NCAA Tournament when they take on Mizzou in a few days!

I LOVE it!! I think ORANGE is his color! :) Sorry, Todd! :) Go Vols!
I hate Orange and the Vols! Orange makes him look like he is picking up trash on the side of the road as part of his community service. Yes Brittany and I can agree on Memphis! I will cheer for them on Thursday when they play Missouri because I hate Mizzou! Oh yeah, Roll Tide Roll!
I personally LOVE the orange on him! :)
Come on Jill, Hudson hates Auburn too!
Way to raise him right! :)
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